Society history

At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century the pursuits for inventing flying machines heavier than air increased in order to fulfill the millenary dream of mankind – to conquer the airspace.

Romania is recognized with priorities in aircraft development, noting here the flight of Traian Vuia, Aurel Vlaicu and Henri Coanda.

The 1900-1912 period was very important for the development of Romanian aviation. On June 17th, 1910, the famous flight of Aurel Vlaicu took place, Romania becoming the third country, after USA and France, to host a flight with an aircraft of self concept and construction. In this timeframe, the flying schools of Chitila, Cotroceni and Baneasa were developed to train military pilots.

This created the need for specific medical assistance, first to medical flight assurance, then for the selection and periodic check-up of flying personnel.

A turn point in development and organization of national aviation was in 1913, when the Law regarding Military Aeronautical Organization was set. On its basis the sanitary service of the 4th Division appointed Lt. Dr. Victor Anastasiu to assure the medical assistance of flying and technical military aviation staff. This is the first evidence of aeronautical medical service organization in Romania.

In 1918, Maj. Dr. Victor Anastasiu was appointed Chief Medical Officer of Aeronautical Medical Service within General Headquarters, his mission being to organize and improve aeronautical staff medical selection.

In 1919, Maj. Dr. Victor Anastasiu visited Italy, England and France documenting about the organization of the medical service as well as selection and medical expertise of aeronautical personnel. In his report, forwarded to Ministry of War, a series of organizational and methodological measures regarding selection, expertise and medical assistance of flying staff were proposed.

As a result, the minister of war, Gral. Ion Rascanu signed on august 6th, 1920 the Ministerial Decision No. 466, concerning “Instructions for Military Aeronautical Sanitary Services” and establishment of Medical Aeronautical Centre.

The decision was publish in Official Monitor No. 111 on august 21st, 1920, and it is the official act of establishment of this institution, the fourth in Europe at the time. The Centre has an organization and an equipment according to time standards.

Decizia a fost publicata in Monitorul Oficial nr. 111 la 21 august 1920 si constituie actul de infiintare al acestei institutii, a patra din Europa la acea vreme, cu o organizare si dotare conforme normelor aeronautice din acea perioada.

Subsequent organizational evolution followed the ups and downs of history, of politic and military changes, ranging from aeromedical expertise commission right after the second world war, up to National Institute in present days, though always keeping his identity and both national and international recognition.

Supported by such a powerful institution, recognized aeromedical specialists founded in 1992 The Romanian Society of Aerospace Medicine (RSAM), which purpose is to improve aeronautical medicine and psychology and to develop scientifical information exchange with similar societies from abroad.

In this aspect, starting 1996, in each November takes place a Scientific Session of Aeronautical Medicine and Psychology. In 2005, the first National Conference of Aeronautical Medicine and Psychology was held, with a rather large international participation.

Since 2006 RSAM was accepted as affiliated society of American Society of Aerospace Medicine (AsMA) and in 2008 was accepted as member of European Society of Aerospace Medicine (ESAM).

In may 2008, at the annual AsMA meeting in Boston, USA, International Academy of Aeronautical and Space Medicine appointed Romania, through RSAM, to be host of the 59th International Congress Of Aeronautical and Space Medicine (ICASM), which will take place in Bucharest, on September 2011
